Create a new Live

To create a new Live, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "Lives" tab

  2. Click on Create a new Live

  3. You can edit all information about your new Live:

Title and Description


Date and time

Live URL

Paste your live link here (Zoom, Google Meet, ....).

Your members will be redirected to this link on D-day through email notifications or "Join" button.

Meeting type

You can create 2 meeting types: scheduled or reccurent.

When your meeting type is set up on "recurrent", you can configure the frequency of your lives.


When you enable this toggle, members having access to this Live will be notified by default by email on the following time periods:

  • 1 day before the Live
  • 10 minutes before the Live
  • When the Live stars

Note that members can activate or deactivate Live notifications from their notifications dashboard.

  1. Click on Save

  1. We've created a new "recurrent" Live

  2. This dashboard Lives will be displayed for your members

Note that a "Join" button will be displayed on D-day.

Members will be redirected to your Live URL by clicking on this button.

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