How to set up an offer

To set up an offer, follow the steps below.

⚠️ Prerequisite: having linked your Stripe account with SchoolMaker.

Part 1: Create and configure deal information

Step 1: Go to the "offers" menu

Click on the "offer" menu of your administrator space.

Step 2: Select an offer

Select an offer you want to configure by clicking it.

Alternative step 2: Create a new offer

If you want to create an offer from 0, click on the "new offer" button.

Step 3: Go to the information tab

Select the "Information" tab.
On this page, we will add the main parameters of the offer.

Step 4: Name your offer

Indicate the name of your offer by filling in the "name" field.
For example: "Build a wooden house".

Step 5: Add artwork to your offer

To add a cover image to your offer click on "choose a file".
Then select the file you want to add to the offer, on your computer.

Step 6: Add a description to your offer

Fill in the "description" field of the offer by briefly presenting it.
It matches the description that appears on payment pages generated by SchoolMaker.
For example: "The most complete offer on the market for the construction of wooden houses".

Step 7: Choose whether or not to publish your offer

If you don't want the payment pages of your offers to be accessible, uncheck the "published" button.
If you want your offer to be active as soon as it is configured, do not change anything.

Step 8: Record information

To save the configuration, click on the "save" button at the bottom right of the page.

Part 2: Configure access for an offer

Step 1: Go to the "access" tab

To add the different components of the offer, click on the "accesses" tab.

Step 2: Select a program

To add a program to your offer, click on the drop-down menu in the "Programs" section.
Select the program you want to add.

Step 3: Choose the duration of access to the program

Click on the "access duration" drop-down menu, you have 3 options:
1. "Lifetime" access: by selecting this access, members added to this offer will have lifetime access to the selected program.
2. "Subscription based" access: by selecting this access, members added to this offer will have access to the selected program as long as they pay their subscription.
3. "Limited" access: by selecting this access, members added to this offer will have guaranteed access to the selected program for the number of days that you indicate in the "limited to" block.

Step 4: Save

Click "+ add an access to this Program" to save the access.

Step 5: Add access to a Space

To add the spaces of your choice, click on the drop-down menu in the "Spaces" section.
Select the Space you want to add.

Step 6: Choose the duration of access to the Space

From the "access duration" drop-down menu, configure the type of access to this Space as you did for the Programs.

Step 7: Save

Click on "+ add an access to this Space" to save the access.

Step 8: Add access to a Consultation category

To add Consultations to which members will have access, click on the drop-down menu in the "Consultations" section.
Select the Consultation Category you wish to add

Step 9: Choose the duration of access to the category

Configure the access duration for Consultations in the same way as you did for Spaces and Programs.

Step 10: Save

Click "+ add an access to this Category" to save the access.

Step 11: Add Live Category Access

To add the Lives to which the members will have access, click on the drop-down menu in the "Lives" section.
Select the Category of Live you want to add.

Step 12: Choose the access duration

From the "access duration" drop-down menu, configure the type of access to this category of Live as you did for Programs.

Step 13: Register access

Click "+ add an access to this Category" to save the access.

Part 3: Configure the price of an offer

Step 1: Go to the "Prices" tab

We will now configure the bid price. To do this, click on the "Prices" tab.

Step 2: Choose the price type

Choose the price type by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting one of the 3 price types.
1: One-time: The member pays the amount of the offer only once.
2: Recurring: The member pays the amount of the offer according to the regularity that you have added in the "Billed every" box.
For example, if you want your customer to pay a monthly subscription to benefit from your offer, you must enter "1" in the text field and select "Months" from the drop-down list.
3: Multiple Installments: This is a payment in installments. The member will therefore pay regularly until he has fully paid the total amount of the offer.
For example, if you want to offer your customer to pay in 4 installments with one payment per month, you must fill in the text fields in this way: "Payment every 1 Months", "Stop after 4 installments".

Step 3: Add the bid amount

Add the bid amount in the "Amount" text field.

Step 4: Save the price

Click on the "Save" button to save the prices created.

Part 4: Understanding How the SchoolMaker Cart Works

Step 1: Go to your offer dashboard

Click on the Dashboard tab.

Step 2: Understand the Dashboard

On the Dashboard, there are two types of pages.
The offer page and the payment pages.
1) The offer page: it lists the different payment pages that you have created on the offer
2) The payment page: allows members to fill in their personal information and their credit card to purchase the offer. 

Step 3: Click on the offer page

Click the "see" button next to "Offer Page".

Step 4: Understand the offer page

This page is made up of 4 configurable elements:
1) The thumbnail of the offer
2) The name of the offer
3) The description of the offer
4) Bid prices
The prospect/customer who arrives on this page must click on one of the two payment methods and then click on the buy button.

Step 5: Open payment page

1) Close the offer page.
2) Open the first payment page by clicking on the "see" button.

Step 6: Understand payment page

1) On the upper part of the payment page we find the same information as on the offer page: thumbnail, name and description of the offer.
Then the members find the different fields that the members will have to fill in to join the offer
2) An "Email" field where customers must enter their email address.
3) A "Credit Card" field where customers will need to fill in their card information.
4) A "Card name" field where customers must indicate their first and last name.

Bonus Part: Add Member School Shopping Pages URL

Step 1: Understand the program display

When a member joins one of your programs, he has access to his program in the "program of his "school" menu.
Following the programs he has purchased there is the list of programs he has not yet purchased (and which are not configured as a "secret program").
In the following image you can see:
1) A purchased program
2) A program that is not yet purchased

Step 2: Understand adding the URL

In the program settings, you can add the link to the payment page.
Once the link is added a button will appear and allow the member to open the payment page when clicked.
In this example, I'm going to assume that you want to add a URL directly to a SchoolMaker payment page.
However, you can send your member to another page, just add the URL of the page of your choice.

Step 3: Copy the URL of your payment page (or sales page)

Follow the steps below to copy the URL of a payment page generated on SchoolMaker:
1) Click on the "Offers" menu of your school.
2) Choose the offer of your choice and click on it to open it.
3) Highlight your payment page link and click "copy".

Step 4: Go to program settings

Follow the steps below to get to the program settings:
1) Click on the "Programs" menu of your school.
2) Choose the program on which you want to add the link and open it by clicking on it.
3) Open the program settings by clicking on the gear.

Step 5: Add Purchase page URL

1) In the field "Purchase page URL" paste the link to the payment page.
2) Click on "save".

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