How to create and configure a program

To create a program and configure it, follow these steps:

Part 1: Create the program and configure general settings

Step 1: Create the program

Click on the "Programs" menu in the menu bar.
Then click on "New program".

Step 2: Go to program settings

To configure your program, click on the gear.

Step 3: Add a logo image

A program's logo image displays when a member is on their school's program listings.
Click "choose file" to select an image in your computer.
The recommended image format is 16:9, this corresponds to a horizontal image format (for example 860 x 484 pixels).

Step 4: Add a cover image

The cover image is the illustrative image of the program that appears when a member is inside the program.
Click "choose file" to select an image in your computer.
The recommended aspect ratio of the image is 4:1, this corresponds to a horizontal image format (for example 1350 x 350 pixels).

Step 5: Name the program

Add the title of your program in the "program title" box.
For example: "Demo program".

Step 6: Add a description to the program

Add the description of the program in the "Description" box below the previous box.
For example: "In this training, we will learn in 4 steps to build a wooden house from A to Z".

Step 7: Choose the destination of questions

Below each of the lessons, your members will be able to ask their questions.
Select the destination of your choice in the "Send Member questions to:" line.

Step 8: Setup advanced features

Thereafter, you have the possibility of activating 4 functionalities by checking or not these buttons:
- The "Published" button: ticking makes the program accessible to members who are registered in it.
- The "Number of members visible" button: ticking makes the number of members of your program visible to members of your current programs who have not yet joined this program.
- The "Certificates feature" button: ticking it activates the creation of an automatic certification when a member completes his program at 100%, ie, ticks all the steps.
- The "Secret program" button: ticking allows members to hide a program that they have not joined in the list of programs present at their school

Step 9: Save Changes

Save your configuration by clicking on the button: "Save".

Part 2: Create a section and setup it

Step 1: Understand the structure of a program

A program is made up of 4 levels:
- program
- inside what are the sections
- then : lessons
- and finally, steps.

Step 2: Create the section

Click on the "Add a new section" button.

Step 3: Go to section settings

To configure the section click on the gear.

Step 4: Add cover to the section

To illustrate this section with an image, click on "choose a file" and select the image of your choice from your computer.

Step 5: Name the section

To add a name to your section fill in the field named "section title".
For example: "Part 1 - The structural work"

Step 6: Add a description to the section

Specify the objectives of the section by filling in the field named "description".
For example: "This section aims to give you the main information you need to know to carry out the structural work and therefore get the house out of the ground."

Step 7: Add Drip to Section

Then you can configure the reachability delay of the section by filling in the "drip delay" field.
For example, if you set the "delay drip" to 2, program members will have access to this section 2 days after joining the program.

Step 8: Publish (or not) the section

Leave the button on published if you want the section to be accessible to members.
Otherwise, click on the button so that it is put in unpublished and that the members cannot see it.

Step 9: Save Settings

Save your configuration by clicking on the "save" button.

Part 3: Create a lesson and setup it

Step 1: Create a new lesson

To add a lesson click on the "Add a new lesson" button.

Step 2: Go to lesson settings

Click the gear to access lesson settings.

Step 3: Name the lesson

Indicate the name of the lesson by filling in the text field named "name".
For example: "Build"

Step 4: Add drip to the lesson

As on the sections, you have the possibility of making the lesson accessible from a predetermined duration by entering a certain number of days in the text field called "drip delay".
For example, if you indicate a drip delay of 3, the lesson will be unlocked 3 days after the member joins the program.
⚠️ Lesson and section drip delay add up. If the section drip is 4 days and the lesson drip is 3 days, the actual drip on the lesson will be 7 days.

Step 5: Add content to the lesson

We will now add the lesson content. You can add 5 different types of content.
⚠️ However, it is not possible to add several contents in a single lesson.

Step 5.1: Add "text" type content

Text: simply select the "text" type. You will be able to write the course content in the "description" field once the lesson configuration is saved.

Step 5.2: Add "video" type content

Video: add the video of your choice. You have the option of uploading a video from your computer or integrating a video hosted on another platform (Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia).

Step 5.3: Add "PDF" type content

PDF: click on "browse files" to open the window that will allow you to select the PDF of your choice from the documents on your computer.

Step 5.4: Add "audio" type content

Audio: click on "choose a file" to open the window that will allow you to select the audio of your choice from the documents on your computer.

Step 5.5: Add "code" type content

Embed: in the "embed code" field, insert the code of your choice.
For example, you can integrate a Google Form questionnaire, a Google Sheet spreadsheet or code.

Step 6: Save lesson

To save the configuration of your lesson click on the "save" button.

Step 7: Add a description to this lesson

You can add a description to this lesson by filling in the "description" text field.
For example: "Lesson summary - in this lesson we will learn how to set up a basement in 3 steps".

Step 8: Add resources to the lesson (optional)

1. Add the name of the resource in the "name" field.
2.1 If you want to send your member to a web page, paste the link in the field: "URL link".
2.2 If you prefer that your member can download the resource on his computer click on the button "choose a file" and select the file which corresponds to the resource on your computer.
3. To save the resource click on the "save" button.

Part 4: Create Steps

Step 1: Add a step

To create a step in your lesson, click on "add a step".

Step 2: Name the step

Add the step
 title in the "title" field.
For example: "Go and buy a ton of stone".

Step 3: Add a step description

Add a description to the step in the "description" field.
For example: "1° Call a stonemason and make an appointment 2° Meet the specialist on site 3° Place an order".

Step 4: Select a step type

Choose the type of step you want to create.

Step 5: Configure the step according to its type

Configure the step according to the type of step you have chosen.
For example, if you have chosen a step of the success type, you have the possibility of modifying the text to be displayed to request a testimonial.

Step 6: Save step

Click on the "save" button to save this step.
It's good! You can configure your program.
It just needs to be fleshed out with other sections and other lessons.
When this is done, it will be necessary to configure the offer.

Click here to see how.

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