Set up my school's general setting

To set up your school's general settings, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to your school's "Settings" then click on "General"

Step 2: Add your school's name, language, time zone and support email



You can choose between:

  • "fr" >> your school will be in French
  • "en" >> your school will be in English.

Time zone:

By default, time zone is set to the London time zone. You can choose Paris if you're in France. Notifications of your LIVES will be sent according to the time zone selected at this stage.

Support email:

The email address added in the "Support email" field will be the default reply email address for all emails sent to your members.

If you leave this field empty, the email address used when creating your school will be used.

Step 3: Add your school's specific conditions

If you wish to add specific terms and conditions related to the use of your school, you can share the school's web page by entering the URL in the first field field.

You can also add a description to your specific terms and conditions.

This description will appear next to the checkbox when your members are asked to accept your school's terms and conditions.

Your members will be able to view your specific terms and conditions and description before they log in to your school for the first time, when they create their password.

Step 4: Customize your school's branding

You have several options for customizing your school's branding:
  • Add a logo and a banner to your login portal
  • Choose a primary color for your school

Add a logo and a banner to your login portal

Your logo will appear like this to your members:

The favicon will look like this for your members:

Your members will now see this new image on your login portal

Choose a primary color for your school

You can choose one of the following primary colors for your school:

Your members will see the color selected for the following elements in your school:
  • buttons
  • tabs
  • links
  • progress bars
  • steps
  • video player

Example: Buttons and tabs

Example: Video player

Step 5: Configure Community features

You can activate the following features in your Community:

  1. Community features: allow you to activate your school's Community and allow your members to ask questions under your lessons
  2. Weekly digests: allow you to send a summary of posts created in the Community
  3. Member directory: allow you to show the directory of members in the Community
  4. Allow private messages to be sent to members: allows your members to send private messages to other members of your school
  5. Allow private messages to be sent to administrators: allows your members to send messages to administrators of your school
  6. Show the numbers of views per post: allow you to display the number of views per post in the Community.

Step 6: Add custom code

You can add custom code such as tracking codes in any of the following fields.

Example of tracking codes:
  • Pixel Facebook
  • Google Analytics
  • ...

Step 7: Set up your SchoolMaker affiliate link

You can promote SchoolMaker directly from your school. You can earn up to 40% in recurring commissions. Click here to find out more about our affiliate program.

By clicking on the SchoolMaker badge at the bottom of each of your school's pages, your members will be automatically redirected to your affiliate link.

Once you have subscribed to our affiliate program, please add your ID to this field, then register.

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