How to add members to my offers ?

To add members to an offer, you have several options.

Method 1: Add members manually

There are two ways to add members manually: by e-mail address or with .csv file.

If you have between 1 and 5 members to add, you can add members by email address.

If you have more than 5 members to add, you can add members using a .csv file.

Find out how to manually add members to your offers.

Method 2: Automatically add members with the SchoolMaker cart

You can automatically add members to your offers using the SchoolMaker shopping cart.

⚠️ Please note: Your Stripe account must be connected to your school to use the SchoolMaker shopping cart.

Find out how to automatically add members to your offers with the SchoolMaker shopping cart.

Method 3: Automatically add members after a purchase on ThriveCart

You can automatically add members to your offers after a purchase on ThriveCart.

Find out how to automatically add members to your offers after a purchase on ThriveCart

Method 4: Automatically add members with a shopping cart external to SchoolMaker

You can automatically add members to your offers using a SchoolMaker external shopping cart.

Find out how to automatically add members to your offers using a SchoolMaker external shopping cart.

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